May 8, 2022

Why do women use telehealth more than men?

An analysis of telehealth use in the USA (2020-21) found that women made up almost 60% of telehealth patients. It also reported an increased use of telehealth services among young women, in comparison to other groups. One survey found that adults under 40 years were more likely to prefer videoconsulations than those who are older.
June 2, 2022

What is the ideal telemedicine software for Saudi Arabia?

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the use of telemedicine is increasing. As in other countries, the COVID-19 pandemic led to an expansion of existing telemedicine services to safely continue providing clinical care while minimising the risk of viral transmission.
August 22, 2022

How to choose the right telemedicine software partner

Telemedicine has become an essential part of healthcare. The uptake of remote care delivery, accelerated by COVID-19, is set to continue beyond the current pandemic as patients have come to expect timely access to specialists without the need to travel. Healthcare providers are increasingly investing in telemedicine software to help improve their range of care delivery models.